

  • Q 1: What precautions should healthcare providers use with persons under investigation for COVID-19?

    When in a room with a patient with, or suspected to have, COVID-19, all healthcare personnel should wear:
    1- Surgical (medical) mask 2- Gown 3- Gloves 4- Eye protection (e.g., goggles or face shield)

  • Q 2: All specimens must be obtained by a clinician?

    A. CCL Labs does not currently collect specimens for COVID-19 testing. CCL will provide the supplies to collect specimen

  • Q 3: What specimens will be acceptable for testing?

    Preferred samples:
    - Oropharyngeal (OP) swab in viral transport medium (VTM)
    - Nasopharyngeal (NP) swab in viral transport medium (VTM)
    Acceptable samples:
    - Oropharyngeal (OP) aspirate or washing submitted in a sterile, leak-proof, screw cap sputum collection cup or sterile dry container
    - Nasopharyngeal (NP) aspirate or washing submitted in a sterile, leak-proof, screw cap sputum collection cup or sterile dry container

  • Q 4: Storage & Shipping

    The preferred method of shipment is frozen samples; however, samples can be shipped refrigerated at 2- 8°C and are stable at this temperature up to 72 hours. Specimens should be shipped overnight to the laboratory according to standard operating procedures

  • Q 5: What is the turnaround time for COVID-19 testing?

    TAT is a 3-4 days.
    Turnaround time is defined as the usual number of days from the date of pickup of a specimen for testing to when the result is released to the ordering provider. In some cases, additional time should be allowed for additional confirmatory or additional reflex tests. Testing schedules may vary.

  • Q 6. Does a negative result for COVID-19 mean that a patient is definitely not infected?

    A negative result does not definitely rule out infection. As with any test, the accuracy relies on many factors:
    1- The test might not detect virus in an infected patient if the virus is not being actively shed at the time or site of sample collection
    2- The amount of time an individual was exposed prior to the collection of the specimen can also influence whether the test will detect the virus
    3- Individual response to the virus can differ
    4- Whether the specimen we receive was collected properly, sent promptly, and package correctly

Routine Clinical Labs

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